Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative illness that causes movement abnormalities. Because of their dread of retropulsion, many with Parkinson’s disease refuse to leave their rooms and remain immobile. Injury-related permanent impairment exacerbates the issue. Deep brain stimulation is now the sole therapy option for the illness, but it is not accessible for everyone because it is more expensive, intrusive, and requires the installation of electrodes and a pacemaker. While existing methods fail to give long-term relief at a high cost, our discovery helps to slow the course of Parkinson’s disease non-invasively and also provides better therapy to the majority of the senior population with motor problems at a lower cost. Our concept is to create a wearable head cap with motors and drivers that would provide mechanical stimulation in the manner of the ancient Varma medical technique. As it has Bluetooth interference it can be easily connected to android and make it work accordingly. It can give care at home, making therapy outside of hospitals more convenient. We believe that our project’s originality and creativity will help us reach our aim.

The proposed system has a unique feature of addressing the limitations in the current procedures by offering non-invasive mechanical stimulation instead of electrical stimulation. Our body is considered to be closed electrical circuit according to ancient and modern medicine. Cell- cell communication is essential for growth, development and function the cells are able to communicate with each other mechanically by responding to deformations created by their neighbours. Based on ancient medicinal procedure Varma, we selected two major stimulating points at 3 finger space above each ear lobe. Our idea is to design a wearable head cap fitted with motors and drivers to offer mechanical stimulus at respective points in a controlled manner. The pressure and time limit can be of preset or adjustable wirelessly by mobile application using Bluetooth.
The range of mechanical communication is greater than that of electrical and chemical interactions. So, stimulation has become better treatment procedure to treat neurological disorders especially mechanical stimulations, the currently available stimulation techniques are electrical based, minimally invasive and unsafe at times.
Another significant discovery is that the duration of cell pacing is greater when the stimulus is mechanical, indicating that mechanical communication induces long term alterations within the cell. To make our thing a complete user-friendly product, special focus will be given in notifying the user in case of emergency. Geriatric people with symptoms similar to Parkinson’s can also be benefitted. We hope that novelty and innovation in our project will surely achieve our motive.